Koganinja Presents More Information On Biased Dice
What you are about to watch is a 15 part video series Koganinja put together presenting new information helping to prove the existence of unbalanced dice Las Vegas casinos use on a regular basis. This 15 part video series is a follow-up presentation to the first 2 videos exposing unbalanced dice in Las Vegas casinos. The first two videos are found here:
Part 1
Link to Introduction of Unbalanced Dice in Casinos - Part 1
Part 2
Link to Introduction of Unbalanced Dice in Casinos - Part 2
In this follow-up video series Koganinja will be presenting true stories, book facts, new dice tests and AHigh's Epic Fail Live on the internet. If you are not familiar who AHigh is please allow me to explain. After Koganinja had posted his first two videos on YouTube showing biased dice, a gentleman named AHigh decided he would try to debunk Koganinja’s videos. This is when the controversy really began to get going. A gentleman by the name of Harley whose website can be found here: http://crapsadvantageplayers.blogspot.com/ was the one who actually discovered biased dice in Las Vegas. It was from his website Koganinja found the information on biased dice which set him on his own investigation into biased dice.
What Koganinja found was shocking, which is why he then made the first two videos. It was after that that these two gentlemen got into crazy heated debates on the internet over the 2 videos, Harley saying that unbalanced dice exist and AHigh saying they don't. This having enraged AHigh, AHigh then told everyone in the craps world on the internet he was going to build a custom dice balancing caliper to prove to the world once and for all NO BIASED dice exist! Go AHigh! Months go by and AHigh has a custom built dice balancing caliper made by an ex-technician of Rolex and spending some three grand on building costs. It was at this point he makes a video and tries again to debunk Koganinja’s videos. It was at this point AHigh sent his video to the craps community and becomes the “Poster Child For NO Biased Dice Exist” and all the dice gurus jump on his bandwagon. Go AHigh!
Koganinja watches a live broadcast of The AHigh Show on Ustream and hears the words dice caliper. Come to find out during the show, AHigh was tossing a ton of 6-1 Seven-outs, 4s and 10s. As per request by Harley who was in the chat, AHigh agrees to bring out the $3000 caliper. Koganinja grabs his pocket video camera to record the action. As faith would have it the dice in question come up UNBALANCED! It's at this point AHigh’s world comes crashing down around him! The “Poster Child For No Biased Dice Exit” has an EPIC FAIL live on the internet which you will see in this 15 Part video series.
Here is the Table of Contents and links to each video:
Unbalanced Dice Follow Up Videos By Koganinja
1. My Introduction & What You Will Learn - Part 1 http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x10b4g8_unbalanced-dice-part-1-follow-up-video-series-my-introduction-what-you-will-learn-part-1_news?ralg=int.meta2-only#from=playrelon-7
2. My Introduction & What You Will Learn - Part 2 http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x10b4gs_unbalanced-dice-part-2-follow-up-video-series-my-introduction-what-you-will-learn-part-2_videogames#.UahA6UDVD-Y
3. Steve Fortes Books 1 - Part 3 http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x10b4gy_unbalanced-dice-part-3-follow-up-video-series-steve-fortes-book-part-1_news#.UahBPkDVD-Y
4. Steve Fortes Books 2 – Part 4 http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x10b4h5_unbalanced-dice-part-4-follow-up-video-series-steve-fortes-book-part-2_videogames#.UahBZkDVD-Y
5. Steve Fortes Books 3 – Part 5 http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x10b4ha_unbalanced-dice-part-5-follow-up-video-series-steve-fortes-book-part-3_news#.UahBnEDVD-Y
6. Robert Spira's Books – Part 6 http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x10b4p3_unbalanced-dice-part-6-follow-up-video-series-robert-spira-s-books_news#.UahC7UDVD-Y
7. Steve Fortes Videos – Part 7 http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x10b4vb_unbalanced-dice-part-7-follow-up-video-series-steve-fortes-videos_news#.UahCxEDVD-Y
8. Understanding The Dice Balancing Caliper – Part 8 http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x10b4vm_unbalanced-dice-part-8-follow-up-video-series-understanding-the-dice-balancing-caliper_news#.UahCrkDVD-Y
9. Dice Test 1 Bad Dice – Part 9 http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x10b4vz_unbalanced-dice-part-9-follow-up-video-series-dice-test-1-bad-dice_videogames#.UahChUDVD-Y
10. Dice Test 2 Good Dice – Part 10 http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x10b4wa_unbalanced-dice-part-10-follow-up-video-series-dice-test-2-good-dice_travel#.UahCZEDVD-Y
11. Why Not To Play The Darkside With Bad Dice – Part 11 http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x10b4wk_unbalanced-dice-part-11-follow-up-video-series-why-not-to-play-the-darkside-with-bad-dice_news#.UahCMkDVD-Y
12. The AHigh Show Part 1 The Epic Revelation – Part 12 http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x105s2l_unbalanced-dice-part-12-the-ahigh-show-part-1-the-epic-revelation_news#.UahB3EDVD-Y
13. The AHigh Show Part 2 The Epic Revelation – Part 13 http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x10b5a3_unbalanced-dice-part-13-follow-up-video-series-the-ahigh-show-part-2-the-epic-revelation_news#.UahBvUDVD-Y
14. The AHigh Show Part 3 The Epic Revelation – Part 14 http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x105tmr_unbalanced-dice-part-14-ahigh-show-part-3-the-epic-revelation_news#.UahCAkDVD-Y
15. My Closing Thoughts – Part 15
Link to Part 15 - Summary and Warning as you play
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